Adopt-A-Dragon Program

The Adopt-A-Dragon Program is an integral part of the Dragon Conservancy. It was started as an off-shoot of WAFDE and the Dragon Conservancy in the relatively peaceful decades following WWII, and came into its own at the end of the last century.

Modeled after the U.S.Bureau of Land Mangement's National Wild Horse and Burro Program and the American Bear Association's Friend of the Cubs, AAD is a way Dragon lovers around the world can, for a modest fee, stay connected to these marvelous creatures and contribute to the continuance of Dragon welfare on a global scale. For a reasonable annuity (sliding scales available), Dragon-loving individuals can "adopt" a Dragon anywhere from the Himalayan Quad to the forests of Belize. You get a photo of your Dragon (updated yearly), certificate of fosterage, and a weekend pass to the Dragon Sanctuary of your choice.


A recent adjunct is the KFD (Kids for Dragons) school outreach program, geared at students from the 6th-grade (first form, for our British friends) on up.* With parental consent - of course! - school groups can pool their resources and adopt a young Dragon. The fee is virtually nominal and AAD tries to hook classes up with Dragons from nearby Sanctuaries to facilitate visitations. As a scientific teaching tool and dispeller of negative PR, the program is without equal! And, for field trips, nothing beats going to see the class adoptee, watching her grow through the years from gangly dragonlet to full-winged, fire-breathing adolescent. If you or your school are interested in partaking of all KFD has to offer, contact your local chapter of WAFDE.

* Dragons are considered a little too terrifying for very young children.
There are enough obstacles to our friends well-being without adding irate parents and the wrath of
the psychiatric community worried about youthful nightmares to the mix.

The above content is solely the author's creation, copyrighted, and
based on information
in The Dragon Keeper's Handbook.





© 2014 Shawn MacKENZIE